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Everything you need to know about a pressure cooker

THE pressure cooker is an almost indispensable item in kitchen, but many people are afraid to use it. As it cooks food faster and under pressure, its system is more powerful than a common pan and this means there is a risk of accidents when not used correctly. Thinking about the safety of our readers, we have selected everything you should know to enjoy the benefits of the tool.

How it works?
As the name suggests, the cooker works under pressure. When the lid is closed – with the food and water inside –, the air pressure joins with the water vapor pressure. “With nowhere to go, the liquid takes a long time to boil, causing the internal pressure to become even greater to cook food quickly”, says Adriano Toledo de Oliveira, marketing manager at Grupo SEB, owner of the Clock brand.

Why use a pressure cooker?
The main reason is time: cooking in a pressure cooker is much faster. Thus, in addition to the snack ready sooner, gas consumption is reduced. Tramontina brand technicians recommend using this model to prepare foods harder (like bean and meat), as this type of cooking makes them more tender.

How to choose a model?
When purchasing, the rule is that the pressure cooker is certified by INMETRO. This way, the consumer knows that the product has the required safety devices. “The Brazilian standard requires that each pan has a safety system and defines the maximum pressure that the pan must withstand without risk of explosion”, explains Adriano. Therefore, do not leave the store without first checking the verification seal on the item.

What to do to avoid accidents?
According to Tramontina, use is very simple, but requires some care:
– Respect the use capacity limit of your pan. If it is four liters, do not add more than that at all.
– Clean the valves, pin and cover seal regularly, according to the manufacturer's instructions. This is because dirt in these places can hinder the pressure release.
– Exchange replacement parts for original parts at representatives authorized by the manufacturers. And remember: if one is broken or damaged, throw it away immediately and buy a new one.
– Use low heat and always center the pan on the stove flame to prevent it from burning on the side and damaging its components.
– Do not open the pan as soon as the heat is turned off. If you are in a hurry and cannot wait for it to cool naturally, place it under the faucet of cold water and wait for the pressure to release completely – but, under no circumstances move or remove the pin.

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